Neck and back pains are common complaints that can limit your movements and prevent you from performing your routine activities. Studies show that 80 of the population suffers from these problems at some point in their life.

Though some minor soreness in your neck or back area is common and goes away with a conservative treatment at home, dependence on self-care for too long can progressively worsen your neck or back pain 출장마사지.

The pain that extends over a prolonged period can travel farther from its origin and radiate into arm and chest and lower parts of the body and even result in failure of the spinal structures.

If your pain lasts for more than four weeks or keeps revisiting, it is important to consult a qualified medical professional for an for an evaluation. A doctor, after reviewing your medical history, physical and neuromuscular examinations and diagnostic tests can determine the cause of your pain and recommend an appropriate treatment.

According to studies, if addressed early, more than 90 percent of neck or back pains do not require surgery.

There are a wide variety of non-surgical and non-invasive options available for neck and back pain treatment . Some of them are discussed in detail below.

1) Over-the-Counter NSAIDs:

Over-the-counter Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, aspirin or ketoprofen can effectively aid in the healing of neck and back problems and provide instant relief.

The prolonged use of pain medications, however, can result in gastrointestinal problems, so it is advisable to consult a trained spine specialist before you begin any type of self-treatment.

Also, read the entire label for directions and warnings on the medication, and do not use any of them for more than a week unless it is advised by your health provider.

2) Heat or Ice:

Cold or hot therapies are effective treatments for neck or back pain. Which of them is suitable for you depends on the type of your injury.

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